Monday, May 31, 2010


This film will be interesting to discuss as it has many points and underlying themes that we have talked about in class. One obvious discussion point was the way that women were represented. It was very interesting that there were four women in the film, all very strong. I can't think of a film that has come out recently that has any strong women in it. You could say that today Angelina Jolie is a strong women in wanted but she is just a male sexual fantasy. Perhaps in 1975 men thought powerful, strong women to be sexy.

This film came out in 1975, just after the watergate scandal, however it was set in 1968, as Nixon is getting into power. They could have played on this a lot more and been more ironic at times. This was obviously a big aspect of the film but I would not say it was the main point. It is clear that the fact everyone was sleeping with each other was more important in two ways. One was to drive the story and the other was to try and remember the 60s again. The casual sex made me think. I think of sex being a very new and young thing like in skins. We as a society now don't really think twice about sex so it was weird and interesting to see how casual it was back then. I suppose that does say a lot for the time. It was totally down to my naivety that I was not shocked but surprised how casual and how much sex there was in a film back then.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lost Ending (Spoiler)

On reflection I would say that I suppose I am sort of happy with this ending. That is not what I thought at the time. Having watched Lost since 2005 and followed every little detail I was wanted every little end to be tied up and for all of the cast to come to some sort of end that was out of the box but still satisfying. This  I think would have been impossible. I wish it wasn't but there could never have been an ending that would leave the viewer total fulfilled.

I remember at the start of Lost people said I bet they are all dead and us true Lost fans said of course they are not there is something much more clever going on. Well I hang my head in shame, yes they were all dead and they all walked into the white light at the end.

However at the time I did put my head in my hands and think that I wanted more but looking back on it I have been able to think of all them good times this show has brought me. There was the time when Charlie died which was so huge at the time. Everyone was talking about it, even those who were not fans sort of knew what had happened. I certainly was talking about it to everyone and felt a little teary when he went.

Then there is the fact that this TV show has been able to grip me for so long and keep me entertained. I was not just watching it just so I could find out what happened in the end I was generally intrigued by everything. I felt for the characters. I suppose it is hard not to when you have followed them for so long.

So I would like to say thank you to lost for keeping me glued to the TV for what feels like a life time. I was glad that I could go out on a bang and did not just filter out. I wold also suggested that this would be a very good box set to buy as you will find yourself saying just one more about one hundred times.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Work Work Work

Other people always say that our course is just watching films and talking about them. They say this because they have loads of very stressing exams. However recently we have been working quite a lot more than we usually do and I have enjoyed it. I have had to over the last few days write outlines, a script, make a poster, blog, watch Stadgecaoch, blog again and moodle. I liked having a bit of stress pushing me along. I think the worst part was just before I started a bit of work. I would do almost anything else but when I final made my self sit down and do it I found myself getting really into it. I was remembering how I used to find my scripting class one of the best things about the week. Also there is no felling better than when you get all of your work load off from your shoulders. 

I think I have done a good job with my scripting work but I am sure that I will not be saying that in a few days after Richard has asked me what was I thinking. I also wonder how long it will be until he says his famous words "Is it?" No I know it is not now so just tell me why! We love it really. Although I can't take full credit for my poster. I did draw it but I was in stick men form with done with a biro so thankfully Jessica drew mine for me and colored it in. I did find the pencils and she worked from my original sketch. 

When I was working away at my outlines I got stuck but I was then able to sort of lift myself out of it and look at it from I different angle. I just couldn't think of where to go and it was taking me ages. I then thought it is my world so I am going to do what I want. I was able to create a whole other world and this wonderful. I know I properly sound a bit  artistry and but it was not so much the creating I loved it was more the fact that I could create. I think that in other course you have to learn your world that you want to work in but in our course you in a way create the world you are working in. I hope this makes sense and does not make me sound to up in the clouds. Basically our course is making stuff up. I am really lucky that I have found a job that I really want to persue and think that I will enjoy it. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How TV has had an effect on my political views.

Well I would say that may choice of who I will be voting for in the election is almost 100% through the television. I don't really follow politics that much but it is hard to miss as it is all over the news. I watch the news every day or so, so I have a rough idea of what is going on. Also everyone was talking about the live debates so I didn't want to miss out on that and I thought it might help me make my mind up.

I would say that it has influenced me and swayed my opinion or sort of put me off people more than put me on them. I don't to make this about my political views but I think that david Cameron has not come across very well on TV. He always seams to me being ripped apart by people, weather that is a journalist or a member of the public.

Then it also makes me think how bias the TV is. I am a little c of how much I should believe when watching the news and I do try not to let it influence me to much. I liked the TV debate because it was just what it was. After the debate I felt that the TV channels were favoring people even if they did not mean to. Even by saying that the polls say that somebody has won the debate it makes you think that you should follow the crowd.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Puppy nightmare.

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Well first of all I am going to say I was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did. I think this has become so clichéd in our class. Everyone seams to say this. I said it about silent movies and now I am saying it about westerns. It took me ages to finally get round to watching this. I had the dvd but I still could not motivate myself to watch it. Espealiy since Serpico and Casino have been staring at me since christmas. So I thought I would watch the trailer on youtube to get some motivation and ended up clicking on Stagecoach part one. So I started to watch it in the back ground with facebook open and Road Wars on the TV. Within about 5 minuets I was hooked and my dvd player was warming up. I am still not sure how it happened. It was not that exiting a beginning. I think it might be because I knew it was building up to some thing. The scene was set very quickly and you knew who everyone was in the first five minutes.  I now cared about these people and wanted to know what was going to happen to them.

I did enjoy what happened to them. I thought that the film had a good pace about it. It flowed well from scene to scene and always kept your focus. It was tense and they did this well. It was not just what I thought it would be which was cowboys shooting Indians. They didn't show us the Indians until almost the end. I was tense because of the unknown. I had no idea how the indians would attack or how evil they were. I liked this. It was nice to see a film not show you the danger just hear about it from others. The first sign we see is only smoke and it gets your heart pumping a little bit. 

Overall I would say once again that I surprised myself by enjoying it as much as I did. It was sort of what i expected in the way it looked but not at all in the way the story was told. Having said this to my dad he will now be thrusting dvds and names of better westerns in my face. He allready has mentioned a few I should watch. So those of you who have been putting this off I say go for it. You might find that a whole new library of films will be opened up to you.

An in depth study of buttons.

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