Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lost Ending (Spoiler)

On reflection I would say that I suppose I am sort of happy with this ending. That is not what I thought at the time. Having watched Lost since 2005 and followed every little detail I was wanted every little end to be tied up and for all of the cast to come to some sort of end that was out of the box but still satisfying. This  I think would have been impossible. I wish it wasn't but there could never have been an ending that would leave the viewer total fulfilled.

I remember at the start of Lost people said I bet they are all dead and us true Lost fans said of course they are not there is something much more clever going on. Well I hang my head in shame, yes they were all dead and they all walked into the white light at the end.

However at the time I did put my head in my hands and think that I wanted more but looking back on it I have been able to think of all them good times this show has brought me. There was the time when Charlie died which was so huge at the time. Everyone was talking about it, even those who were not fans sort of knew what had happened. I certainly was talking about it to everyone and felt a little teary when he went.

Then there is the fact that this TV show has been able to grip me for so long and keep me entertained. I was not just watching it just so I could find out what happened in the end I was generally intrigued by everything. I felt for the characters. I suppose it is hard not to when you have followed them for so long.

So I would like to say thank you to lost for keeping me glued to the TV for what feels like a life time. I was glad that I could go out on a bang and did not just filter out. I wold also suggested that this would be a very good box set to buy as you will find yourself saying just one more about one hundred times.

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