Friday, September 25, 2009

First three days.

The three day induction was great for a number of reasons. It was great to find out what our course was going to be like. I now know what kind of things I can expect to be doing on a daily basis and how I will be taught.

The kit looks fantastic. Far superior to Cardonald College. We only ever talked about the idea of red cam, so I am really looking forward to when we will be able to use them. Also the camera we saw Thursday I was not allowed to use because I was not a second year at college.

I am most looking forward to our Friday morning classes where we get to watch films and discuss them. One of my favourite things to do is watch films and I can't wait to do that with people who all have an interest for films.

The best part of the three days was definitely meeting everyone. I couldn't wait to find out what my class mates where going to be like. Everyone if so nice, friendly and I am really looking forward to spending the next three years getting to know them better.

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