Monday, March 15, 2010

Who gives a crap about continuity?

I would just like to talk a bit about what we were talking about today in regard to continuity. In some case's it is so obvious and it does take you right out of the movie. You suddenly become aware that you are watching a film and it then takes a while to get back into. I know that you did agree with Andy, it was you after all who raised that point today. I did agree with you but after going home and trying to find the scene in the godfather with the mistake I came across a video which showed about twenty different continuity errors and they are all quite big. So it got me thinking that maybe a mistake can bring you out of the film but if the film is good enough and truly does have you griped then a mistake will not bring you out of the film. I loved the godfather and was engrossed from start to finish without being aware that I was watching a film.

So I would still say that a mistake can bring you out of a film but if it can that must mean that the film does not have you as griped as it should be. So even though the godfather has so many of them it does not matter. If anything it shows how good a film it is if these glaring errors do not distract you.


  1. I agree - I never notice mistakes unless the film is doing a poor job of holding my attention anyway.

  2. I agree with you both but I do feel desperately sorry for the people who compiled this video - it's like complaining about a chip on the frame around the Mona Lisa.

  3. I notice silly wee mistakes in films all the time and have lost many an hour on Movie Mistakes... Oh dear!! What does this say about me??
