This film is about killer plants! Thats right its a 1962 horror about plants that chase people and try to eat them. These are not your average plants. They have come from out of space and have blinded 99% of the worlds population before landing.
This is a great film to watch if you want a bit of fun but also its funny to think that people would have been scared of these plants back then. I suppose you could say that the special effects back then were good for the time. If you think of the 1959 move Plan 9 From Out of Space, which was one of the worst movies ever made, it had terrible effects. The tomb stones were cardboard and when you see the space ship it looks like it is hanging from a piece of string. Also the main actor died half way though filming so they replaced him with another man. So the audience would not be confused by why the main character had changed they made the new man always hold his cloak over his face.
Oh My!....Day of the Triffids...what a fantastic film! Good blog post - a classic!! (and still sort of scary!)