I went to the cinema yesterday at about 4 30 and bought a ticket for TIOL which started at 6 30. It was not worth the wait. I was really looking forward to this film. I thought the idea of it was interesting. I went in thinking that it was going to be hilarious but there was not one belly laugh. The majority of the jokes were at the beginning of the film then it tried to be a much more serious hard hitting film. The jokes at the start were not that good anyway. They seemed forced and there were only a few giggles in the screen I was in. Then when it tried to be a serious film I could not take Ricky Gervais seriously. I will always see him as David Brent and I think he should go back to what he does best, comedy and stop trying to be the next De Niro.
I know what you mean, Ricky Gervais's films never pack the number of laughs his tv stuff does. Al the best jokes end up in the trailer, and you might as well just watch that.