Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scenes that make us go ooowww

I have posted this on moodle but I thought it could also count as a blog for the week.

There are points in certain movies that make that movie brilliant. They are scenes which can do a lot the the audience member.

It could be the end of the 6th sense or the usual suspects. This type of scene sums up the whole film and completely changes the meaning of the film. It's like at the end of a crime film were you find out that the butler did it and everything makes sense.

But there are scenes in films which are just beautiful and these are the important ones. Perhaps a point were a character has a revelation or two people get together. For example Marly and me. The part where Marly walks up the steps but is limping is so sad but in a way completes the journey of this dog. This small 20 second part of the movie really got to me. I felt sad for the dog but also for the family.
There is also the end of Lost in Translation when he whispers in her ear, in Braveheart when Gibson is being stretched or in Joan of Arc when she has lost all she had and is about to face her fait.

It can also be not so beautiful like in requiem for a dream when the girl "performs" for men in order to get drugs. This part of the movie makes you cringe but also feel so sorry for the girl and the situation that she is in. You feel so many emotions at once.

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