Monday, December 7, 2009

Blade Runner

Blade Runner

This was a beautiful film with stunning special effects for its time with massive religious undertones. In this film the main antagonist actually kills god.

The reason I love this film so much is because of they way I watched it. I was able to lose myself one hundred percent in it and take in every small detail that it had to offer. I found my self being captivated by the beauty of the script along with music. After watching this film I now have a favourite line from a movie. When Rutger Hauer is talking to Harrison Ford for the last time I was totally in sync with both of their emotions. I could feel Hauer’s pain and sadness when he said his last words.

I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain...Time to die.

I does not sound as good when you read it but when you see it in the film and the music is playing and its raining it makes it so much better. I think that at this point in the film you absolutely sympathise and feel sorry for Hauer even though he has just been trying to kill Ford. You can understand how scared he is and that is why has done what he has. All he wanted to do was to live like a human. He has seen so much beauty and is upset that he will not be able to share it and keep those memories alive in his head.


  1. I love that moment too! By that point I really feel it's earned he right to be so poetic, and it's beautiful.

  2. Agreed - an absolutely beautiful film and those final moments with Roy are just magical. I also love it when the other cop arrives, and Decker is still sitting there, he just says - "It's too bad she won't live, but then again, who does?" Brilliant. I love it. Vangelis's music is just. Oh. I've bought that album a few times. Amazing music.
    I was more excited about getting this film in high definition than any other. The 5 disc HD DVD set is amazing, includes the original cut with the atmospheric narration. Boy do I wish I'd got the blu-ray version instead of the HD DVD version. Still, got the final cut on blu-ray, so never mind.
    Anyway, went on a bit, but inspiringly epic and beautiful film.
