Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I am taking the series link off

I have never watched Coronation Street because I never saw the attraction. I did not think that I would be able to relate to what I was watching and that it would overly dramatic but also quite dull. I think that I was kind of right. After watching it I will not become a regular. In order to do that you would have to persevere to be able to care about the people in the show and start getting all the wee references that they make to one another. This would also take a lot of your time. I recorded one episode and put a series link on it and now my planer is filled with them.

However you are able to watch one episode by its self and follow it with no problem at all. The episode I watched was quite clear. Every character that was introduced I could tell a lot about them. I knew what the people around them thought of them and what they were like as a person. If they where a bady or goody and you knew exactly who they where cheating on and how they were feeling about it.

It all sounds exiting, fights, affairs, rape, alcoholics and all sort of terrible secrets just lying under the surface just waiting to explode. What I can't understand is why it wasn't exiting. I was bored when I was watching them. If any one of these things happened in my life it would be huge but watching it happen to a bunch of people I don't care about defuses my feeling dramatically. Maybe if I was a regular I would be screaming at the TV and crying when dreadful things happened to the wives, friends, brothers and all sorts of characters.

One thing I could enjoy and appreciate it the way that it was made. To think that four of these a week are churned out is kind of amazing. The quality of the show its self was good technically. Far better than any episode of river city I have seen. It was also interesting to think that there must still be millions of people that watch this show up and down the county. So many people have loved this show for so long so it must be doing something right. I will not love this show. I will admire it and appreciate it but if I must watch a soap it would have to be Hollyoaks.

This may not be the best Corrie blog in our class but I have the best picture!

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely the best picture for a Corie blog, possibly the best for any blog!
