Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My parents have been pestering me for a while now asking what I want for my Christmas. I can never think of anything apart form films I want so I told my Dad to just go along to missing and get me lots of dvds. I decided to check out what ones I all ready had and try and think of ones I wanted.

I have looked through my dvd collection and found 33 dvds that I have bought and still not watched. I couldn't understand why I had bought these films and just put them on my shelf for display. So I have decided that I will put them to good use. I have not been up to date on blogging so I am going to blog about each of these films. This will make me watch my films I have paid for and also get me better at blogging if I force myself to write something about these film. So be prepared for some serious blogging as I try to get my way through these dvds so I can get more of them for my Christmas.

The blogs to follow will be :

Inglorious Bastards 1977 ish version
Kramer vs Kramer
Then There Were Giants
Annie Hall
13 Tasneti
The Wild One
Three Colours Trilogy
28 Days Later
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
All Quite on the Western Front
All About Eve
Gentleman's Agreement
How Green Was My Valley
The Grapes of Wrath
Zorba The Greak
Passport to Pimlico
The Lavender Hill Mob
The Men in the White Suit
The Lady Killers
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Longest Day
Shadow of a Doubt
Family Plot
The Trouble with Harry
The Birds

I have no Idea where to start!

1 comment:

  1. Several of these have me jumping up and down saying "watch that one! that one!"

    Most of all, though, I'd say go with the Bourne film (what a brilliant series!) and the Three Colours Trilogy.
