Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflective statement.

At the start of the module I did not fully understand what TV was. I thought that it was merely a box that showed us TV shows. If you had asked me to have a conversation about TV then I could only have talked about a few shows that I watched. After only a few weeks I realised that I there was so much more to TV than what I had thought. Not only did I start to learn about the programs and where they came from more importantly I learned what TV meant to people and how it influenced them. I was able to understand that TV played a massive part in shaping this country to the way it is now.

TV played in a massive part in people's lives. So much more that it does now. It was new and able to teach people in a way they had never been able to before. I also learned how it impacted the cinema. Before TV came along the only place you could see moving pictures was the cinema. Now that had all changed. TV did not just shape the people but also the way in which cinema was made. It was because of TV that the cinemas started to have to sell a cinema experience rather than just a film.

During this class I have also been able to watch some fantastic TV shows. We watched all sorts of TV and it was very interesting to look at what generations before me used to watch.

Overall I have surprised myself in this module. I would never have thought I could learn so much about something. I know now that I still have more to learn. What I am going to take away from this module is that in future I will look at something that I think I understand and challenge myself to think I might not know as much as I could, i.e. dig a little deeper and you will be surprised and what you can find.

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