Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have not seen the whole of this film. My dad was watching it and called me in so he could show me a couple of scenes from it. I was so glad he did. These two moments in this film where incredible from an artistic point of view but also a technical. The first one which is my favourite is a man sanding in front of a mirror shaving. Then the camera moves in front of him so that it is facing the mirror and we can see his reflection.

What I think they must have done is cut a whole out from the wall and put the actor behind it. So the man we see at first is a body double as we only see his back. This is cleaver but just to be able to come up with that I think is amazing. To take a perfectly normal scene then to make it something just a little bit more special. It only lasts for 30 seconds and the time and energy that must have gone into it would have been huge.

The other one starts of with a guy playing with decks in his room. The camera then films him from out side the window and pans down to the street. So you are thinking ok it must just be some sort of jib. But then it moves off across a court yard and gets even higher. So maybe it was a helicopter but then is passes very close to a building.

The cool camera scene starts about one minute in.

I have no idea how this did this one. Maybe it was a helicopter. I just wanted to share these moments with you. Maybe it will inspire you to think outside of the box when you come to shooting a scene. I certainly will.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow, those shots are amazing!

    Thes econd one is baffling me: you're right, it looks like a crane shot, but then it just keeps on going. The movement looked to me like a very small aircraft, perhaps a microlight? If it was the other way I'd say it was a it was like a very controlled paraglider.

    Thanks for sharind :)
