Tuesday, January 26, 2010

N 64

My friend left his N 64 at my house last week and I have been playing it almost everyday. I has brought back so many memories and happy times. I am also quite proud that I can still beat my brother and remember all the buttons. For those of you who do not know what an N 64 is and what it means it is a games console. But not just any games console. This was the first console I ever bought and i can still remember going to the shop with my mum and brother and handing over £70 for it. This was a lot of money for a primary 2. Me and my friends played games like Goldeneye and Pokomon for hours on end. I continued to  play these games even when my friends started to get Playstation one's. I was a true Nintendo kid. I have become glued to my TV and will be sad to give it back. I would have played my one but my dad gave it to the charity shop alone with all the games for it. I will still be bringing that up in years to come. But like anything I imagine I will get bored of it in time and be happy to shove it to the side. But right now the horrible graphics and clunky controller seam like the best thing since sliced bread.

Here is a video to show you what it means to the right person.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me depressed that you were playing N64 in P2. It came out when I was in high school, one of it's first games was £60 (Turok)! That'd be like £70 in today's money!

    I did love Goldeneye, shooting caps off the baddies but the only downfall was that it took me a day to figure out the first chain-link gate...who knew you had to SHOOT the padlock? Usually games just let you through doors!
